Which part of your body are your abs located?
- 腹部
- 腿部
- 手臂
- 背部
1. Abs (Abdominal) muscle (n) 腹肌
Tim has nice Abs. They are also known as six-packs. 提姆有很棒的腹肌。它們又稱六塊肌。
2. Bend (v) 彎曲
Bend your legs when you do sit-ups. 做仰臥起坐的時候,可以把腿彎起來。
3. Straight (adj) 直的
Keep your back straight when walking. 走路的時候背要伸直。
4. Hip (n) 臀部
Anna hurt her hip when she slipped in the rain last week. 安娜上星期在雨中滑倒時,摔傷了臀部。
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