Dad told us that e-cigarettes can be addictive, toxic and even explosive. We should avoid vaping in order to protect ourselves from the risk of cancer and harmful effects _______ our health. 爸爸告訴我們電子煙會上癮、易中毒且具爆炸的危險;我們應該避免吸電子煙,以免對健康造成致癌及多重危害的影響。
Sam plans to do his MBA in the UK next year, ___ he will take IELTS this summer. 山姆打算明年前往英國攻讀工商管理學碩士,因此今年夏天他會參加雅思的考試。
【Ad】Janet registered her kids, ____ are 13 and 15, to take a Hakka proficiency exam in September. 珍妮特替自己13歲以及15歲的孩子報考九月份的客語能力認證檢測。
Jack, don’t forget you can ____ a mobile payment to pay taxes this year. The deadline is 5/31! 傑克,別忘了今年可以用行動支付繳納稅款喔。五月三十一日就截止了!
How would you translate yesterday's college entrance exam translation questions? Write it here! 昨天剛剛考完了大學指考英文科! 大家快來小試身手一下,留言在下面告訴我們,這兩題「中譯英」你會怎麼答?