When you have hot pot _____ a cold day, you want to eat vegetables that are _____ season, such as Chinese cabbage and spinach. 天冷吃火鍋時,就是要吃大白菜、菠菜這樣的時令蔬菜。
The famous New Taipei City’s Christmasland is a world-class Christmas festival that you can experience in Taiwan _________ going abroad. 家喻戶曉的新北歡樂耶誕城,是不用出國在臺灣就能體驗享受的國際級耶誕饗宴。
Dad told us that e-cigarettes can be addictive, toxic and even explosive. We should avoid vaping in order to protect ourselves from the risk of cancer and harmful effects _______ our health. 爸爸告訴我們電子煙會上癮、易中毒且具爆炸的危險;我們應該避免吸電子煙,以免對健康造成致癌及多重危害的影響。