Both cigarettes and e-cigarettes are highly _________, and the best prevention is not to try them at all. 傳統菸品和電子煙同樣都很容易上癮,最好的預防就是完全不要嘗試。
To swim safely in rivers and oceans, make sure you know the 5 steps for solving emergencies ____ water. 確定自己懂得「救溺 5 步」,才能在溪流海洋中安全游泳喔。
Chuan Yuan University built up a strong COVID-19 campus prevention network to keep students safe ____ future outbreaks. 中原大學因應COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情,建立起一強大校園預防網絡以保障學生安全免受未來疫情爆發之危害。
Catch the monsters in our online game while you hike, and get chance to win 200,000 NTD worth ___ prizes! 現在健行時還能一邊玩「參山步道抓寶趣」的線上遊戲,且有機會贏得新臺幣總價值20萬元的獎品喔!