Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful. -- Zoe Kravitz, American actress 美就是你懂得欣賞自己.當你愛自己時,也就是你最美的時候.--柔伊.克拉維茲,美國女演員
Why is Monday so far from Friday and Friday so near to Monday? 為什麼禮拜一要過那~麼~久~才會到禮拜五;可是禮拜五卻咚得一下子就到禮拜一了呢?
Love is friendship that has caught fire. -- Ann Landers, American relationship expert 愛情就是著了火的友情 ~ 安.蘭德斯,美國專欄作家
The most important thing in the world is family and love. -- John Wooden, American athlete 世上最重要的事 莫過於家庭和愛 -- 約翰.伍登,美國知名籃球選手與教練